Adult Literacy Program

The Rotary Club of Calgary supports adult literacy through its Adult Literacy Programs. Literacy affects people’s lives. Improved literacy skills enable individuals to fulfill their potential, achieve their goals and take advantage of opportunities. When individuals do well, so do their families, communities and employers.
Rotary provides bursaries to individuals and other direct funding to support adult basic literacy education. At Bow Valley College, Rotary Literacy Bursaries are granted to full or part time students registered in a basic education literacy program. These bursaries are for students studying at grades one to nine levels.
Rotary also works with Bow Valley College to support students with physical or developmental disabilities studying at grades two to four levels. This is an inclusive education program with students studying alongside their non-disabled peers. Another supported program uses award winning specialty software to help adults with disabilities improve their reading, writing and math skills. These students are reading at grades one to six levels.
The Rotary Club of Calgary is proud supporter of improving adult literacy in Calgary.
Past Successes
- May 2018 - Awards presented at Bow Valley College Foundational Learning Awards Ceremony
- November 2017 - Bursaries presented at Bow Valley College Awards Ceremony
- September 2017 - July 2017 Adult Literacy Report
- March 2017 - Bursaries presented at Bow Valley College Awards Ceremony
- March 2016 - Adult Literacy Reports Posted
- March 2016 - Bursaries presented at Bow Valley College Awards Ceremony
- October 2015 - Homework Helps fall program started
- January 2015 - Praise for the Adult Literacy Program
- November 2014 - Eight Rotary Adult Literacy Bursaries at the Bow Valley College Awards Ceremony
- November 2013 - The Rotary Club of Calgary Presents Rotary Literacy Bursaries at Bow Valley College Awards Ceremony